Monday 18 August 2014

My first scary leap into blogging

Hello and welcome to my first ever blog 'Isla of Axholme'.  It feels a bit scary taking the leap into the big world of blogging but here I am typing my first few words on my first post!  Please take a look at my a little bit about me page for a information about myself and my blog.  In this post I will explain why I have started blogging.  It's an important step so deserves a post all of its own. 

So why did I decide to start a blog?  I have been reading blogs for several years and have never had the inclination to write my own until about five months ago when I was approaching the end of my History of Art degree with the Open University.  It dawned on me that after my final exam I would no longer need to write continuous prose (shopping lists, and telephone messages just don't count!) which worried me. This is when I started wondering about starting my own blog as a way of keeping my writing skills and brain active. However, after I bit of mulling things over I decided it was not for me.  That was until I listened to a podcast by Jo at Shinybees.  In Episode 5 'Poppy Pickers' Jo talks about 'fear' and that trying something and failing is better than never to have done it.  Jo's thoughts and fears about starting her podcast struck a chord with me.  I was also concerned about what people might think about me (and my writing) and had negative thoughts about no one reading my blog posts (among others).  Ultimately though, like Jo, I am doing this for myself. So thank you Jo for that kick that I needed and here I am blogging!    

Thank you for reading my first ever post and please let me know your thoughts.

Isla of Axholme 


  1. welcome to blogland & i look forward to more posts.

    1. Thank you.... 2nd post will be published later this week!
