Like last year I picked my best friend up early doors and drove the two hours to Skipton with tea and chatter interspersed with instructions from the sat nav! We arrived just after 9am and luckily the parking stewards were allowing the visitors to park. After having a little snack in the car we decided to walk to the park near the auction mart to see some of the yarn bombing. We didn't go far this year as there was a run taking place along the footpaths and we were in danger of being swept away by the runners.
I had been organised this year and printed off the exhibitor plan highlighting our 'must see firsts' before things got too busy. This worked brilliantly and as soon as the doors opened we headed to see Victoria of Eden Cottage Yarns. As usual Victoria's stand looked amazing. Obviously the yarns are stunning but the time and effort that has been put into their presentation makes for a real treat! Unfortunately I was so busy squishing, buying and chatting to Victoria that I didn't take any photos so you will just have to trust me when I say it was brilliant! I bought two skeins of BFL Sock in 'Larch' (a really rich green) and one skein of Bowland DK (also 100% Bluefaced Leicester) in the 'Thunder' colourway - a grey purple stormy sky. Love them both!
Another must see was the little grey sheep whom I first saw at Woolfest earlier this year. The wool comes from Emma's own own flock of Gotlands and Shetlands however she has just launched some wonderful Hampshire Chunky in addition to her own wool. All the sheep are sheared by Susie and dyed by Emma who I enjoyed chatting to again. Emma not only has a great taste in colours but also a vivid imagination when it comes to the colourway names. I came away with 'Shingle Beach' the Hampshire chunky yarn and two skeins of 'I met her by the river' in Gotland Double Knit.
the little grey sheep stand |
My Yarndale 2014 haul |
It wasn't all shopping you might be glad to know. We managed to find our Yarndale mandelas among the 1,182 on display. Mine was certainly in the minority as it was knitted but it did make it easier to find! Unfortunately we missed revisiting the bunting and forgot to take a closer look at the giant mandalas in the Knit and Natter Lounge.
Were you able to go to Yarndale? Tell me all about your purchases! If you were not able to make it this year I highly recommend a visit next year!