As well as trade signs and some rather garish ships figureheads there were several rather stunning quilts and embroidery works on display. The Bellamy Quilt was embroidered by Herbert Bellamy and his intended wife Charlotte Alice Springall during their engagement. Unfortunately I was not able to take any photographs in the exhibition but the details in the quilt (the peacock for example) were as good as items in the Great Tapestry of Scotland (A first class day out in Edinburgh). However, you could not get too close to admire the details of the quilt without an alarm sounding (guess who set it off...... many times)!
There is a short video by Martin Myrone the curator of the exhibition that includes the Bellamy Quilt if you want to have a look. If you are interested in this type of thing it's certainly worth a look. The exhibition is on in London until 31st August but then opens up at Compton Verney on 27th September 2014.
Following all that concentration I was in need of lunch. On receiving recommendations from a very knowledgable and helpful colleague of Mr D I went to St John's Smith Square which is inbetween Tate Britain and the Houses of Parliament. This former church is now a concert hall and the crypt is a wonderful cafe and restaurant. I had a very tasty lunch consisting of four different salads and a bottle of local ale.
However lunch and beer were my downfall as I lost all motivation to explore. I did get to Loop which is near the Angel tube station, Islington. Shock of shocks though I only bought buttons for my Lush cardigan...... no wool purchases! This must be a first for me and Mr D didn't believe me when I got home! There were lots I could have bought - Loop has a large range of American yarns and other yarns that I have never seen stocked elsewhere. They also have their own brand of wool. It all looked very tempting as I walked around their two story shop admiring the sample knits on display. I would heartily recommend Loop and both staff and fellow customers were super friendly. We shared knitting disaster stories and the lady behind the till (I'm sorry but I didn't get her name) showed me how to magic loop - a skill I then used in my Lush Cardigan with great success so thank you whoever you are!
Before heading home a had my burrito fix at Benitos Hat in Kings Cross station. Not being familiar with their sizing I had the 'brother' of burritos..... it was a bit on the large size! Was super yummy, I somehow managed to eat it all and washed down with a Mexican lager!
So that was London....... I'm hoping to go back in a month or so to see a Lego exhibition which opens in September and then closer to home a Grayson Perry exhibition which has just opened at Temple Newsam
Have you seen any good art exhibitions recently? I would also be interested in hearing your recommendations for lunch / coffee shops in London as I never know where to start!